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Time Traveler

Daniel Carrillo poses in front of his work.
A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit photographer, Daniel Carrillo, in his south Seattle studio. Carrillo demonstrated his daguerreotype photo process and shared his techniques with an eager crowd of photo enthusiasts. 

Carrillo shows off a glass plate image during a studio demonstration.
His images remind me of the work of Edward Curtis, another northwest photographer who worked in this region during the late 1800's. Carrillo's work has the grit and intrigue of vintage photographs but they also exude a contemporary confidence.The combination of these characteristics is what makes Carrillo's work so mesmerizing and you can see it in these portraits posted below...

Portrait of Shenandoah Davis by Daniel Carrillo

Portrait of Kiki Smith by Daniel Carrillo

Portrait of Cable Griffith by Daniel Carrillo
More about the artist....
Daniel Arutro Carrillo Lozano (b. 1973) is a self-taught mezzotint artist and photographer.
Born in Mexico and raised in California, he moved to Seattle in 1997. His work has been exhibited in many galleries and juried exhibitions and is now on display at the Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle.

He is currently photographing members of the Seattle area arts community using the wet collodion method invented in 1851 and the first viable form of photography, the daguerreotype invented in 1839 by J.L.M Daguerre.
Dan Carrillo's work on display at the Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle.
Installation view of Carrillo's work at the  Greg Kucera Gallery.
Dan making adjustments while I hold my pose.

My very own Carrillo portrait.

Double take!

Me with artist/photographer, Dan Carrillo.
It is always a pleasure to meet talented artists who are so open and generous with their time and expertise. Daniel is one of these people and a super nice guy. Don't miss the opportunity to see his current show up now at the Greg Kucera Gallery through September 29th and visit his website to see more of his stunning photographs: Daniel Carrillo Web Site


J'aime beaucoup le travail de ce photographe, Dan Carillo. Ses portraits sont étonnants.Le tiens en particulier est vraiment réussi.
Belle soirée, Alicia.
