This painting reminds me of passion and pursuing things that really ignite my spirit . . .
. . .so today I’ve got my calendar out and I’m blocking out time in the new year (and the remaining days of 2017 ) to do things that I really want to do. Like seeing people I want to connect with and learning some new skills (want to try out some Thai cooking). I’m also blocking in time just to relax and recharge my creative battery.
The key here, is that I’m putting it down in writing...adding it to my calendars and making a commitment to myself. By doing so, I’m giving myself permission to pursue these goals and ideas and you can do the same thing!
Give yourself permission to pursue your passions, however big or small they may be, and listen to that fire in your belly that lights you up inside. That excitement is your it!
The one question that always gets me moving forward on my ideas is: If not now...then when? And if that answer is later, mark it in your calendar and move towards it with intention.
Hope you find a little motivation and inspiration here and thank you so much for reading!
Until next time...Cheers!